Fictional Creatures
Tartans have been designed to pay homage to the legendary, mythical, folkloric and other non-human creatures of the imagination.
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For Clan of McMoosie and its laird Hamish and characters in the "The Brechin Tales" written by Terence Isaac as part of bringing Scottish culture to a new generation. Tartan for the fictional McMoosie family featured in Terry Isacc's 'Tales of Brechin' - a series of children's stories set in Brechin, Angus, Scotland.
Jan 9
Mermaid Day
Created as a totemic pattern for fishermen, mariners, sailors, and any person wishing to have a little bit of the magic of the seas and oceans with them. Within its blue green ever moving waters is a small flare of the fire of life the guardian angel gives to those who need it or ask for it. The tartan is named 'morddyn' which means 'merman' in Welsh.

May 2
Harry Potter Day
Loch Ness
May 2
Loch Ness Monster Day
This predominantly green and black tartan with red is associated with Loch Ness, a vast and beautiful body of water, with Urquhart Castle watching over it and of course the Loch Ness Monster languishing in its depths. The Loch Ness tartan most certainly dates earlier than the first sightings of "Nessie."
Phoenix Rising
Oct 11
Myths & Legends Day
This tartan was created as a tribute to the phoenix, an ancient mythological symbol which has endured for millennia, and across vastly different cultures. The phoenix, which is always characterised as a bird, dies in a magnificent fire of its own making burning into a pile of ash before being reborn and rising from its own demise as a newly resurrected phoenix.

The Brechin Tales
The Brechin Tales are a series of illustrated children's stories by Terry Isaac, who lives in Brechin within sight of its cathedral and tower. The books feature Hamish McMoosie, a loveable mouse from Scotland. With titles such as "Hamish and the Marvellous Set of Bagpipes and "Hamish and the Quest for the New Spirtle" they not only entertain but also act as an introduction to Scottish culture - each tale has an accompanying Scottish recipe and a glossary of Scottish words.

May 2
Harry Potter Day
St. Columba and the Monster
May 2
Loch Ness Monster Day
On August 22, 565, St. Columba is said to have encountered the Loch Ness Monster. During his work to convert the Picts, St. Columba is said to have encountered an unidentified animal that some have equated with the Loch Ness Monster. Lore has it that he banished a ferocious "water beast" to the depths of the River Ness after it had killed a Pict and then tried to attack Columba's disciple.
Scrooge McDuck
Jun 9
Donald Duck's Birthday
Scrooge McDuck is a cartoon character created in 1947 by Carl Barks for The Walt Disney Company. Scrooge is an elderly Scottish anthropomorphic Duck with a yellow-orange bill, legs, and feet. He typically wears a red or blue frock coat, top hat, pince-nez glasses, and spats and is portrayed in animations as speaking with a slight Scottish accent, also sometimes known as a Scottish burr. His dominant character trait is his thrift, or stinginess.
Peter Rabbit
Jul 28
Beatrix Potter's Birthday
Peter Rabbit is a fictional character in various children's stories by Beatrix Potter. He first appeared in The Tale of Peter Rabbit in 1902 and subsequently in five more books. Peter Rabbit was named after a pet rabbit Beatrix Potter had as a child called Peter Piper. The first Peter Rabbit story, The Tale of Peter Rabbit, was originally created in 1893 as a letter to Noel Moore, the five-year-old son of Potter's former governess, Annie Moore.
Dracula & Vampires
Oct 29
Dracula Bites Night
The charismatic vampire of modern fiction was born in 1819 with the highly successful publication of The Vampyre by John Polidori. However, it is Bram Stoker's 1897 novel Dracula which provides the basis of the modern vampire legend and the gaunt, pale undead figure recognized today.
Nov 1
First Day of Winter
Cailleach, the witch of winter, is said to be in charge of a well on the summit of Ben Crauchan in Argyll. Every sunset she caps the flowing water with a large flat stone and then releases it at sunrise. Legend says that one night, weary from driving her goats across the mountains, she fell asleep by the side of the well. Unhindered the water gushed forth, breaking through at the Pass of Brander creating Loch Awe, and drowning local people and cattle in its wake.
Pooka or Púca
Nov 1
Púca's Day - Day of the Dark Rabbit
Though usually associated with happy Easter traditions such as baskets of candy and coloured eggs, like Mat the Rabbit, there is a darker rabbit mythology emanating from the British Isles. The rabbit, originally an ancient symbol of fecundity, has a non-Christian counterpart in Celtic fertility traditions and a spirit known as the Pooka or púca (Irish for goblin).
Hello Kitty
Nov 2
Hello Kitty Days
Hello Kitty (Japanese: ハロー・キティ ) is a fictional character produced by the Japanese company Sanrio, created by Yuko Shimizu in 1974 and introduced as on a vinyl coin purse by the company Sanrio in March 1975. The character was then brought to the United States in 1976. Initially known only as "the white kitten with no name" the official character profiles for Hello Kitty now lists her full name as Kitty White, born in the suburbs of London, England, on November 1.