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Mischief Night

"O thou! whatever title suit thee,—
Auld Hornie, Satan, Nick, or Clootie!
Wha in yon cavern, grim an' sootie,
Clos'd under hatches,
Spairges about the brunstane cootie
To scaud poor wretches!"

~ Address to the Devil, Robert Burns, 1786

Inspired by the spicy cinnamon "Red Hots" candies of vintage Hallowe'en and other spicy treats, this sweet and hot coloured tartan is perfect for trick or treating, small mischiefs, or minor devilments! The eve before Hallowe'en has been known variously as Mischief Night, Devil's Night, Gate Night, Goosey Night, Moving Night, Cabbage Night and Mat Night with its origins in the ancient belief that goblins and spirits came out to play pranks and tricks on humans on the nights near Samhain! Mischief Night is an informal traditional holiday on which children and teenagers historically engaged in pranks and minor acts of vandalism which in the past took the form of stealing gates, ringing doorbells and hiding out of sight, moving outhouses, or throwing cabbages! This year, don't get carried away and yield only to such hot temptations such as Fireball Whisky, a Cherry Apple Bomb Cocktail, Hellfire Cider, or spicy Rabbie Burns verse as your Hallowe'en mischief of choice! 💗 ❤️ 🖤 💛 💗 🔥 😈 🔥

Mischief Night, also sometimes known as Devil's Eve or Devil's Night is an informal holiday in which historically, children and teens engage in pranks and minor devilment, and is commonly held the night before Halloween - a night for tricks instead of treats. 

In the past in the United States, this holiday was mostly an East Coast or North East phenomenon and included children ringing false alarms, ringing doorbells and leaving before someone answers, stealing gates, setting fires, breaking windows, and doing their best to annoy people.  

Instead of an evening of mischief, thoughts of devilment can be turned culinary ones!  The hot and spicy often merit a nod to the heat of the devil's domicile.   

Deviled eggs, which requires "deviling" or mixing the cooked yolk with mustards and spices and replacing the filling in the cooked egg white, are a classic party food.  


Devil's Food Cake (a 1930s invention and its newest incarnation, Red Devil's Food Cake - a cross between the classic chocolate and a Red Velvet Cake) is an exception to this rule and invented as a counterpart to the light and airy Angel's Food Cake.


Click the vintage German magazine cover showing the devil running 'awa' with a lady in a bit of tartan,  for a beautifully illustrated recipe for spicy Deviled Scotch Eggs.   

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Officially registered tartan graphics on this site courtesy of The Scottish Tartans Authority.  Other tartans from talented tartan artists may also be featured.


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